Finally give your idea life

With project coaching for impassioned idea-havers
Book a free consultation today

Something’s growing in your imagination—an idea you just can’t shake.

The idea itself becomes more and more clear, but not really how to make it happen. It’s not like you're ignoring it. You’re just tied up with so many other things—family, friendships, logistics, feeding everyone, tidying. And for a while, that was enough.
But now, your idea is inviting you to more.

Don’t give it up.

Maybe you’ve jotted notes or posted tidbits. You’re just not getting the traction you want. So you muscle down, get a sitter and try to bang out weeks worth of effort in one afternoon feeling frazzled instead of free.

Maybe you’ve asked a friend for accountability, beating yourself up when it doesn’t help. Perhaps you’re considering saying yes to a well-defined-and-not-quite-right offer elsewhere.

It’s tempting to abandon the nebulous spark of your own idea for the deceptive clarity of another’s. Don’t do it!
The world needs your idea.

Find someone to believe in you like a friend and guide you like a boss.

Are you looking for a partner to balance the unwieldiness of your life-giving idea with the structure you need to complete it? I can be that person for you.

In my decade of management consulting, I moved huge projects from mere ideas to succinct plans with clear to-do’s for everyone, and I can do the same for you. Finding time has a lot to do with knowing how much of it you need and what to do when you get it.
That clarity is what you’ll get from the one-on-one attention of a coach.
“I was unaware that project coaching was applicable to me. I assumed that consulting was limited to the business realm and maybe you do too. But I learned foundational building blocks that I’ve applied to myriad tasks and projects.  This service helped me build practices that fit my life, discovering really practical tools to get my stuff done. Engaging What by When positively changed my quality of life by generating more time to relax.”
Erica Walters
Master’s in Counseling Candidate, Antioch University
Seattle, WA